APTCC Competitor Information

APTCC Competitors

2024 Competitor Nominations

Please contact the ISA Event Services Department at ISAEventServices@isa-arbor.com for instructions on submitting to your competitors for the 2024 APTCC.

Please see below for qualification criteria


Competitors must represent an ISA Chapter or Associate Organization (AO)in the Asia Pacific Region. Prior to acceptance, competitors must be a member of ISA or a recognized chapter or associate organization.

Each Asia Pacific Chapter/AO may send a team of up to 8 competitors (5 men, 3 women) to represent them. The representatives must have placed in the top five at the chapter competition within the current or previous 2 years. An invitation is sent to each eligible chapter requesting recommendations for their team and the Chapter TCC Chair must approve the submission of their competitors to the APTCC. No competitor may personally apply for inclusion into the APTCC without the approval of their Chapter TCC chair.

Since the current APTCC Champions already have a spot at the competition, those individuals are not included as part of the chapter team.

Guest Climbers

Asia Pacific ISA members whose own country does not have an ISA Chapter or whose organization does not hold a climbing competition, may be included to compete in the APTCC as a guest climber if they have competed in another countries competition and they have placed in the top five. Climbers wishing to register as Guest Climbers must pre-register and all entry fees must be paid prior to the APTCC. Guest applications will not be accepted on the day of the event.

International Guest Climbers

International Guest Climbers who are members of ISA Chapters outside of the Asia Pacific Region may be proposed for inclusion by their chapter who will be required to validate their current year performance of a Top 5 place. International Guest Climbers must pre-register and all entry fees must be paid prior to the APTCC. International applications will not be accepted on the day of the event.

There will be a maximum of 5 International guest climbers of which no more than three may be male. If more than 5 applications for International Guest Climbers are received then they will be selected on a first come basis. International Guest Climbers may participate in preliminary events only, and will not advance to the Masters' round of the competition.

The APTCC Committee also reserves the right to include additional climbers by invitation when positions are vacant.

Competition Rules

The APTCC will follow the most current available rule book version of the International Tree Climbing Championship Rules. The APTCC Committee is not responsible to provide ITCC rule books to competitors, volunteers, and officials. The ITCC rules are available from the ITCC web site under Rules and Regulations. It is the responsibility of all those involved with the APTCC to have read and to understand the rules.

The APTCC reserves the rights to make additional rules and rulings as well as to modify any specific event to ensure the safety of competitors, volunteers, and the public.

For more information and if you have questions please email ISAEventServices@isa-arbor.com

Past Competitors

List of 2017 Competitors
List of 2016 Competitors

List of 2015 Competitors

List of 2014 Competitors 

List of 2013 Competitors 

List of 2012 Competitors 

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Tuesday, October 22, 2024 12:59:42 AM (EST/ISA Headquarters Time)
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