NATCC Competitor Information

2025 NATCC Event Information

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2025 Registration Information

Invitations will be sent to the North American chapters to submit the names for their NATCC competitor representatives. Once names have been submitted, eligible competitors will be provided the registration link. 

If you have any questions about competitor registration, email


Competitors must represent an ISA North American Chapter or Associate Organization. Prior to acceptance, competitors must be a member of ISA.

Each North American Chapter/AO may send a team of up to 3 competitors (2 men, 1 women) to represent them. The representatives must have placed in the top five at the chapter competition within the current or previous 2 years. An invitation is sent to each eligible chapter requesting recommendations for their team and the Chapter TCC Chair must approve the submission of their competitors to the NATCC. No competitor may personally apply for inclusion into the NATCC without the approval of their Chapter TCC chair.

Since the current NATCC Champions already have a spot at the competition, those individuals are not included as part of the chapter team.

Guest Climbers

International Guest Climbers outside of the North American region may be included to compete in the NATCC preliminary events if their own ISA Chapter or Associate Organization requests and verifies performance of a top 5 placement. These climbers will not be allowed to compete in the Masters' Challenge.

Climbers wishing to register as International Guest Climbers must pre-register and all entry fees must be paid prior to the NATCC. There will be a maximum of 5 International Guest Climbers with no more than three being male. If more than 5 applications are received, then the spots will be selected on a first come basis.

The NATCC Committee also reserves the right to include additional climbers by invitation, if there are positions vacant.

Competition Rules

The NATCC will follow the most current available version of The International Tree Climbing Championship Rules. The NATCC Committee is not responsible for providing ITCC Rules Books to competitors in advance. The rules are available on the ITCC website under Rules and Regulations. It is the responsibility of all competitors to have read and understand the rules.

The NATCC reserves the rights to make additional rules and rulings as well as modify any specific event to ensure the safety of competitors, volunteers, and the public.

For more information and if you have questions please email our events team.

©International Society of Arboriculture 2009-2025
270 Peachtree Street NW, Suite 1900, Atlanta, Georgia 30303 • +1.678.367.0981

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Sunday, February 9, 2025 1:21:34 PM (EST/ISA Headquarters Time)
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